
Por y para profesionales del Derecho

Portal jurídico de Aranzadi, por y para profesionales del Derecho

27/07/2024. 03:58:04


Por y para profesionales del Derecho

¿Conoce las leyes laborales en inglés?

Durante los próximos meses analizaremos en detalle diversos conceptos de Derecho Laboral.

Prestaremos atención a qué expresiones y vocabulario debemos utilizar en inglés para entender los riesgos y responsabilidades del Derecho Laboral.

  1. El siguiente texto es una introducción a varios conceptos relacionados con el Derecho Laboral del proceso de contratación. Lea el texto con atención y a posteriori una los títulos (a-f) con el párrafo (1-6) que mejor corresponda:

a Termination of employment

b Employment tribunals

c Terms of employment

d Employment legislation

e Labour law

f Recruitment

1 This area of law involves contracts between employers and employees which are normally controlled by specific legislation regulating the areas of sex discrimination, race relations, disability, health and safety and employee rights in general.

2 In processes related to this area, employers must take into consideration that it is unlawful to discriminate between applicants for employment on the basis of gender, marital status, colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins. It is also unlawful to publish job advertisements which might be construed as discriminatory. However, this is not true where gender or marital status is a genuine occupational qualification (GOQ).

3 After the employee is hired, protection is provided for the employee. The employee receives the terms and conditions of employment including the following: identities of the parties, the date of employment, a statement of whether there has been continuation of employment. the amount and frequency of pay, hours of work, holiday entitlement, job title and work location.

4 Matters related to unfair dismissal, discriminatory dismissal or redundancy, dismissal and certain aspects of termination of employment are governed this area of law.

5 Complaints to a tribunals have the power to render decisions and issue orders in respect of the parties’ rights in relation to complaints. It may also order compensation for loss of prospective earnings and injured feelings.

6 The negotiation, collective bargaining and arbitration processes. The relationship between employers and trade unions. These laws grant employees the right to unionise and allow employers and employees to engage in certain activities (e.g. strikes, picketing, seeking injunctions, lockouts) so as to have their demands fulfilled.

Respuestas: 1.D   2.F    3.C   4.A   5.B   6.E

  • Traduzca los siguientes conceptos al castellano:
  • disability =
  • genuine occupational qualification (GOQ) =
  • holiday entitlement =
  • unfair dismissal =
  • redundancy/layoff =
  • collective bargaining =
  • strikes/picketing =

Respuestas: 1. discapacidad 2. Calificación ocupacional de buena fe 3. derecho a vacaciones    4. despido improcedente 5. despido 6. la negociación colectiva 7. huelgas / piquetes

  • Haga coincidir los siguientes conceptos (1-4) con los ejemplos (a-d):

1 discriminatory dismissal

2 redundancy dismissal

3 unfair dismissal

4 genuine occupational qualification

a Un empleado es despedido por su empleador por reorganización operativa interna de la empresa.

b En casos excepcionales, un empleador puede demostrar que un solicitante necesita una determinada característica protegida (como el género, la raza o la religión de una persona) para realizar un trabajo en particular.

c Una empleada es despedida por motivos de embarazo.

d Despido de un empleado por pertenecer a un sindicato.

Respuestas: 1.C     2.A     3.D     4.B

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