
Por y para profesionales del Derecho

Portal jurídico de Aranzadi, por y para profesionales del Derecho

27/07/2024. 04:10:34


Por y para profesionales del Derecho

Rob Millard

es partner en la consultora norteamericana Edge International, especializada desde hace más de 25 años en la planeación estratégica para despachos de abogados.

es partner en la consultora norteamericana Edge International, especializada desde hace más de 25 años en la planeación estratégica para despachos de abogados.


Increasing the Velocity of Strategy

A few weeks back I had a fascinating discussion with an officer in the US Marine Corps about the current doctrines of military strategy and how they translate to business. He told me that a major current area of focus is finding ways to reduce the time that it takes to plan operations while, at the same time, disrupting the enemy's ability to plan. He also said that "everybody knows" that a strategic plan is out of date immediately after it is drafted.