
Por y para profesionales del Derecho

Portal jurídico de Aranzadi, por y para profesionales del Derecho

27/07/2024. 03:37:12


Por y para profesionales del Derecho

Asesorar a sus clientes sobre ventajas y desventajas

En el blog anterior analizamos cómo explicar los riesgos involucrados en la realización de varias acciones; en el blog de este mes examinaremos cómo explicar las “advantages”(ventajas) y “disadvantages”(desventajas).

Un abogado ha recibido una solicitud de un cliente que emplea a un gran número de personas y tiene que lidiar con disputas sobre derechos laborales de manera regular. El cliente ha solicitado información general sobre el proceso de arbitraje en un memorando breve y fácil de entender. Quiere cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas del arbitraje, frente a los tribunales laborales, desde el punto de vista de un empleador.

Dear Mr. Mason,

In your email of 9th April, you asked for information concerning the new arbitration procedure. You specifically requested an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration from the point of view of an employer. The following summary presents a selection of key features of both the new arbitration scheme and the existing employment tribunal process.

  • Speed: Unlike hearings held before an employment tribunal, the new procedure can be completed faster, usually in one week. This is clearly advantageous for an employer, as it would save a great deal of time and money. 
  • Confidentiality: In contrast to the public hearings held by employment tribunals, the new arbitration process is conducted in a private setting, such as a hotel, and is completely confidential. This prevents an employer from getting the unwanted bad publicity that often accompanies public proceedings. A further advantage of confidentiality from the point of view of an employer is the fact that high out-of-court settlements for employees (which are typically reached in order to avoid the embarrassment of public proceedings) are thus much less likely.
  • Appeals: Both the decisions of an employment tribunal and those reached in arbitration can be appealed. Naturally, this can be regarded as a significant advantage for an employer. On balance, I would say that the new arbitration scheme is attractive from the point of view of an employer, and I recommend that you consider making use of this new process to deal with all kinds of employment disputes.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like further information. I have attached an article about this topic to this email which may be of interest to you.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Wallace

Qué frases del correo electrónico se utilizan para comparar y contrastar (C).  ¿Qué frases se utilizan para señalar ventajas (V)?

  1. This is clearly advantageous for an employer _ 
  2. In contrast to …. _
  3. A further advantage of … _
  4. Bothandcan be appealed. _
  5. Naturally, this can be regarded as a significant advantage. _
  6. On balance, I would say that … _

Respuestas:    1.V     2.C     3.V     4.C     5.V     6.C

¿Qué ventajas y desventajas tiene que explicar a menudo? Escriba un correo electrónico similar al anterior y explique las ventajas y desventajas de cada curso de acción:

X has a number of advantages, such as … However, it also has some disadvantages/drawbacks … X differs from / is different from Z with regard to / in respect of … The first system / The former has the advantage/disadvantage of being …, while the second system / the latter has the benefit / drawback of being …

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