
Por y para profesionales del Derecho

Portal jurídico de Aranzadi, por y para profesionales del Derecho

23/04/2024. 10:13:53


Por y para profesionales del Derecho

Actualidad Jurídica

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Actualidad TR

Especialistas en derecho bancario reivindican el secreto profesional de los abogados que prestan servicio a las entidades financieras

El cambio climático, la constante evolución normativa, la puesta en marcha de las monedas digitales o el cambio en la cultura de cumplimiento normativo son algunos de los retos más acuciantes a los que se enfrenta el sector desde el punto de vista legal Los expertos manifiestan la existencia de...

El abono continuado de parte de las retribuciones fuera de nómina justifica la extinción indemnizada del contrato a petición del trabajador

La Sala IV, de lo Social, del Tribunal Supremo, ha resuelto en una sentencia que el abono continuado de parte de las retribuciones del...

¿Qué es y cómo funciona la Ley de Segunda Oportunidad?

Conocer en qué consiste la Ley de Segunda Oportunidad es el primer paso hacia la liberación de las deudas. En este vídeo te contamos...

¿Es necesario un nuevo subsidio por desempleo ampliado?

El modelo de protección social español en tiempos de crisis socio sanitaria como la que está atravesando el mundo se sitúa, empujado por el...

Selling, shopping for, or merging, and businesses can form or destroy your company. Choosing a suitable one Advisors for your needs...

Selling, shopping for, or merging, and businesses can form or destroy your company. Choosing a suitable one Advisors for your needs...

Adult dating guidelines which are varied for young or old are extremely essential. You may have to be aware of this specific. They...

Adult dating guidelines which are varied for young or old are extremely essential. You may have to be aware of this specific. They...

Internet dating guidelines that happen to be various for different persons are very crucial. You may have to understand this particular. They will...

Internet dating guidelines that happen to be various for different persons are very crucial. You may have to understand this particular. They will...

The online games inside Allegory Roms series has been online for quite a while, but are still extremely popular. Not merely can you delight...

The online games inside Allegory Roms series has been online for quite a while, but are still extremely popular. Not merely can you delight...

The particular game titles throughout Allegory Roms collection has existed for a little bit, but are nevertheless very popular. Not merely will you enjoy...

The particular game titles throughout Allegory Roms collection has existed for a little bit, but are nevertheless very popular. Not merely will you enjoy...

The online games in Anagnorisis Roms series has been online for some time, but they are nevertheless popular. Not simply can you appreciate actively...

The online games in Anagnorisis Roms series has been online for some time, but they are nevertheless popular. Not simply can you appreciate actively...